Thursday, September 11, 2008

How I Feel?

Number 1 question from all...I'll just clear up the real answer right now. Now follow these instructions EXACTLY:
1. Get the tightest pants you own.
2. Put them on and stuff 10 fully inflated water balloons in the front.
3. Button pants and walk to kitchen.
4. Eat EVERYTHING in you kitchen that tastes disgusting and will give you heartburn.
5. Wait until you have heartburn and go sit FULLY CLOTHED in a sauna for about 10 minutes.
6. Ask a friend to beat your lower back with a baseball bat.
7. Run to and from the bathroom every 3-5 minutes all day.

OK - You now know about each and every day!

Actually - that stuff is true, but I'm TOTALLY AWARE that I could have it SOOOOO much worse...I'm NOT swollen, puffy, or I'm actually VERY thankful for a HEALTHY me and Jonas...8 more weeks!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm glad you're back! This entry is cracking me up though. I totally understand if you don't wanna chat on the phone!!! Love you guys and miss you bad!