Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another Sleepless Night

Hello everyone, this is Patrick.

Why do I drink Pepsi before I go to bed? So, I am going to bore whoever is reading this blog with whatever is going through my head.

If you don't already know, I am creating a catching instructional video. I think it is going to be pretty awesome. I have an awesome film crew that I am working with up in ATL. We already shot all the instruction scenes, now we just have to shoot the talking scenes. I am really excited about seeing how it is going to turn out. I have seen some work these guys have done, and they are great.

Also, I am running the Marine Corps Marathon on October 31st in Washington DC. I am super excited about it. I can't believe it is almost time. I have been running, but no where near what I am supposed to be running. I only run about 3 times a week. I started thinking about this the other day. I have lost 30 lbs and have not done any working out, I have only run 3 days a week for about 45 minutes to and hour. That is what the average workout should last, I think. Well, what have I done differently that I never did in the past. The only thing I have changed was getting on the Figure 8 system by Arbonne. I drink the Fizzy Tabs, I drink the protein shakes, and I take fiber. I actually mix the fiber in the protein shake to make it easier. January and I do eat healthier because of Jonas, but we still eat our burgers and pizza a couple times a week. So, really, we are not dieting. I am not saying any of this to be bragging, I just started thinking about how cool it is to know that I lost 30 lbs this year. Two years ago I trained for a sprint triathlon. I could not get below 185 lbs. After I finished the race, I did not exercise any. I got up to exactly 199 lbs. Then, at New Years, I decided to run the Gate River Run, 9.3 miles. I got down to about 185 lbs. I knew that was as low as I was ever going to get. I was in shape and nothing was changing. I mean come on, I am 31 years old. I have heard all the horror stories about what happens after you turn 30. Well, after the race, I decided to run a marathon. I have not done any more training than I did for the Gate River Run. The only thing I have changed was doing the Figure 8 program. I could not stand the Fizzy Tabs for the first 3 days. Starting on the 4th day, I loved them. Now, I am weighing in at 170 lbs and have even touched 168 lbs. So, if anyone is willing to exercise a couple times a week and use the Figure 8 products, you will see a huge change.

Well, I am finally getting tired. I guess I will try this sleep thing one more time.