Monday, June 9, 2008

Joy came in the morning!!!

Sunday! Thank God we made it through the night. On our way into Lincoln to tour the city and get our tickets to the Lincoln Saltdog game we passed a huge freight trane interchange - OK so it wasn't a tornado I heard in the distance last night, but it could have been! We saw Haymarket Park where Patrick played in 2002, the home he stayed in, University of Nebraska campus and stadiums, the capitol building, the historic downtown area, and ate at Lazlo's; a really cute restaurant downtown. At the game, Patrick was happy to see Jeanette, the office manager for the Saltdogs and Mark Goodman a pitcher he played with in San Angelo, TX who was there running the video for the Saltdog game...small world! The game went into "overtime" - JUST KIDDING BASEBALL FANS - the game went into EXTRA INNINGS and we left before the end...I was starving and we had to get back to Sasha who was chilling back at the camper! No more rain and a peaceful night sleep awaited us!

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