Sunday, December 14, 2008

So, here's the story...

OK, OK, OK, so it has been a while since we have updated. I will start from our last "real" entry about my (Patrick's) birthday party / Halloween party.

November 3rd, 2:00 a.m., we headed to G-ville because January was having her contractions 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute, for 1 hour. That is when they told us to leave, since we have an hour drive. So, we arrive at 3:00 and we were expecting things to go quick and easy. They checked her and she was dialated to 3 cm. They said, they would check back in 1 hour. She made it to 4 cm, so we got to stay. They put us in a very nice room. The couch was very nice and soft, but I will talk about that later. They came in several hours later and she had not changed. Finally, they said that we needed to get this process going, so they did all the stuff they had to do to get it going. I am not going to get too graphic during this entry. I could, but I'm not. Well, contractions start getting pretty bad for January, so she decided it was time to get an epidural. They gave it to her and it only helped one side of her. So, she was feeling terrible pain on half of her body, while the other side was numb. They could not figure out why, so they decided to keep pumping her full of drugs. Nothing seemed to work. Finally they told her to turn over on her other side, since nothing else was working. Well, that did the trick. And with all those other drugs, she felt TERRIFIC. The real funny part was before the drugs, we watched this screen that would show when she was having a contraction. She would be in pretty good pain during these times, but when the contraction was over, she would be OK again. Well, with the drugs in her, we would watch the screen, and she had no idea when the contraction was happening. She was just talking like nothing was going on, while I am watching the screen knowing that she was supposed to be in pain. Well, that was funny to me. I guess you just had to be there.

When we went into this whole pregnancy thing I imagined there being a sheet between Janaury's head and the "whole process". Well, there wasn't. I witnessed everything. It was obvious that I had never really seen the actual process before, though. I watched it in college, but I guess I closed my eyes, because I never saw the up close and personal version. Thankfully the nurse, doctor, and January were nice, because I had some crazy questions during the actual birth. I asked how big his head was, did he have a skull, why was his leg so crooked, and during the actual birth yelling out "O MY GOSH"! Like I said, I was not prepared for what I witnessed. But I made it just fine without passing out and would not change it for anything. O yeah, January did good to.

That night, January was feeding Jonas and she thought he was choking. She picks him up and runs out in the hallway screaming that her baby is choking. They come over to her and tell her that he is OK. Yes, she is a little paranoid. I of course did not know about this until morning time, because that couch was so comfortable. January said that I did not budge. Oh, did I mention that January didn't have any clothes on when she ran out in the hallway. Yeah, that is my wife.

1 comment:

Phyllis Fekula said...

Oh, I miss you guys.
I'm so glad you have great senses of humor and share these stories.